Saturday, February 2, 2008

Welcome to Scintillation!

Hi All,
Thanks for stopping by.
Scintillations - the name itself suggests this.

The process of scintillation is one of luminescence whereby light of a characteristic spectrum is emitted following the absorption of radiation. This radiation is usually of a higher energy than the emission.

With the help of this blog I will try to share my knowledge that I had absorbed. Let us see how we can add value to each others life.



Sam said...

In my opinion, penning down ones thoughts is a sign of good understanding of the area of interest that each of us pursue. I wish you all the best in your endeavor to express your understanding in a way that others could benefit from.


Harish Kumar said...

Thanks for your wishes and support.
If the blog is of any help to others in one or the other way, the purpose of it is fulfilled.

Once again thanks for your encouragement.